Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tips for Fueling your Active Lifestyle

 The main source of energy for exercise comes from carbohydrates. An hour or two before a cardio exercise, have a healthy snack that contains healthy carbohydrates as well as some protein and small amount of healthy fat. The protein and fat will prevent you from getting too hungry and the carbs will fuel your energy burning workout and keep you from crashing!

Examples of healthy snacks:
small bowl of whole grain cereal with milk and berries OR whole wheat pita with peanut butter and an apple OR 10 whole grain crackers with ½ can of tuna and 1 tbsp of low fat mayo.

Not only does getting enough carbohydrates prevent you from fatiguing during your workout but so does staying hydrated. Having enough water before, during, and after your workout keeps you energy up, helps you perform at your best level, and prevents muscle cramping. 

It is difficult to determine exact water recommendations for exercise because everyone is different, but a rough estimate can be done by weighing yourself before and after an exercise session that has been completed without water consumption. The difference in weight is likely to be water loss through sweat. Because 1kg of weight roughly equals 1L of water, for every kg of water weight lost during activity, 1L of water should be consumed.

After a tough workout, research has shown that consuming a combination of protein and carbohydrates within 30 mins will maximize results! Chocolate milk or regular milk both have the necessary carbohydrates and protein to promote muscle gain after your workout. But remember, the lower the fat, the better! Milk also adequately rehydrates and contains sodium and potassium to restore electrolyte balance. Also, since it is in a liquid form it is quickly digested and absorbed by the body. Whey protein powders are also a good source of quality protein, however many lack the carbohydrate needed after a tough workout and most have too much protein for the average gym-goer. Choose wisely! 

After your workout and chocolate milk, choose a healthy snack or meal rich in protein and carbohydrates to keep your energy up post-workout and continue the refueling process.

Examples of healthy snacks
: chicken with rice and
vegetables OR pasta with meat sauce and salad OR chili with potato and vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Love it

    btw, bird nest ( is made up of about 58% soluable proteins...the highest amoung all food and even synetic protein powders

    it greatly increase tissue regeneration


About The Event

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Bust a Move for Breast Health is a home grown fundraising event in support of the QEII and IWK Foundations in Nova Scotia, Canada. Six hours of exercise and fundraising for world-class breast health services will combine to create a unique experience anyone can be part of. Join us on March 26th, 2011!